Personnel Solutions

According to Egyptian law, personnel management is crucial for company management. Elegant Experts organizes this and provides consultations, implementation, labor legislation, social insurance, and staff records management services, while also assisting companies in executing labor relations with employees. Our team of experts ensures that companies are in compliance with all labor laws and regulations, helping to mitigate any potential legal risks. With their comprehensive services, Elegant Company Experts can help businesses streamline their HR processes and improve overall efficiency.

We will be happy to hold an introductory meeting with you to clarify all details and requests and FREE consultation on setting up the Outsource process

Personnel solutions include
  • Social Insurance: Salary estimations for all company employees will be provided to determine the social insurance amount.
  • Finishing procedures with the insurance office in supplying and delivering any forms and requests.
  • Extract all requested prints, whether stamped or not.
  • Creating Social Insurance Form 2, processing wages with it, and making several scenarios for wages according to the instructions issued
  • Maintain the records and documents of the facility in the archives of the Insurance Office and protect them from damage and waste.
  • ensured all employees Based on social insurance law No. 148 for the year 2019,
  • The social insurance inspection will be followed and fulfilled.
  • Providing all legal advice related to the company’s dealings with the Ministry of Manpower and Immigration under Egyptian Labor Law No. 12 of 2003.
  • extracting work regulations, including regulations on the work system and sanctions list, and assisting the facility in preparing and approving an internal work list.
  • Signing labor agreements with the employees.
  • Staff files will be prepared (hiring DOCs and instruments).
  • The database includes all staff data, and their documents will be prepared.
  • Follow payment of funds (Emergency Fund, Cultural and Social Services Fund, Penalties Fund, and any other fund).
  • Follow up on the assignment of the percentage of employees with special needs by labor law.
  • Client Reports: Monthly preparation and presentation of the statistics report to the customers
  • Flexibility in processes of interaction with clients.
  • The possibility of providing a set of services (multiservice).
  • Elegant has an experienced team of more than 15 years.
  • Reduction of insurance and labor risks, and probability of fines.
  • Competent support during inspections.
  • Quick response to requests.
  • Our team is well-versed in handling complex personnel issues and can provide tailored solutions to meet specific client needs.
  • offer ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure our employees are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge in the industry.

What are our advantages?

Benefits of Personnel Solution

Cost Saving

Time Saving


Better Employee Benefits


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